Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives


The CREEP project (Cyberbulling Effects Prevention) aims at identifying and preventing the possible negative impacts of cyberbullying on young people. It seeks to realize advanced technologies for the early detection of cyberbullying phenomena through the monitoring of social media and the communication of preventive advices and personalized recommendations tailored to teenagers’ needs through a virtual coaching system (chatbot). Partners: University of Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Inria, ExpertSystem, NeuroNation; duration: 2018-2020.

Web site: http://creep-project.eu/.


MIREL, MIning and REasoning with legal text, is a Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project, funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant, duration: 2016-2019

The coordinator is Leendert van der Torre, University of Luxembourg

Other partners are: University of Bologna (Italy), University of Torino (Italy), University of Huddersfield (UK), Inria (France), APIS (Bulgaria), Nomotika s.r.l. (Italy), DLVSystem s.r.l. (Italy), Zhejiang University (China), Research Organization of Information and Systems (Japan), University of Cape Town (South Africa), National University of La Plata (Argentina), National University of Córdoba (Argentina), Universidad Nacional del Sur in Bahía Blanca (Argentina), National ICT Australia Ltd (Australia), Stanford University (USA).

The MIREL project will create an international and inter-sectorial network to define a formal framework and to develop tools for MIning and REasoning with Legal texts, with the aim of translating these legal texts into formal representations that can be used for querying norms, compliance checking, and decision support. MIREL addresses both conceptual challenges, such as the role of legal interpretation in mining and reasoning, and computational challenges, such as the handling of big legal data, and the complexity of regulatory compliance. It bridges the gap between the community working on legal ontologies and NLP parsers and the community working on reasoning methods and formal logic. Moreover, it is the first project of its kind to involve industrial partners in the future development of innovative products and services in legal reasoning and their deployment in the market. MIREL promotes mobility and staff exchange between SMEs to academies in order to create an inter-continental interdisciplinary consortium in Law and Artificial Intelligence areas including Natural Language Processing, Computational Ontologies, Argumentation, and Logic & Reasoning.

Web site: http://www.mirelproject.eu/